The SR RCYF youth group is diving into Urban Plunge, July 10-14, in Omaha, NE. The Urban Plunge offers a venue to leave the comfort and safety of the small town and experience ministry in the inner city and follow in the footsteps of Jesus, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and offering Living Water to the thirsty. Urban Plunge is not a “tour of poverty” but an opportunity for participants to discover how they can use their passions and talents to make a difference for Christ.
Groups will be housed at the Turning Point Campus—traditional college dorm rooms with two beds per room. Three large areas are available for group meetings and meals.
On a typical weekend, groups visit nine ministries including the Open Door Mission, a shelter which helps the homeless get back on their feet through job training, counseling service, Bible studies and food. Teens will help sort clothing and prepare a noon meal. The mission of Soby Ranch is to assist through animal therapy special needs people dealing with trauma, loss, social issues, and disabilities. Groups will do work and clean-up projects around the property. Next it’s off to jail—to the Douglas County Youth Detention Center for a tour and info about Release Ministries. Teens will also serve at Hope Center, a safe place for kids that offers daily hot meals, educational support, mentoring, social skills training, Bible studies, job training and more.
Sunday features two worship times. The Bridge Church is a multi-ethnic church whose mission is to help people become radical world changers. Salem Baptist is a traditional African-American church, described as “the friendliest and liveliest church you’ve ever attended.”
Fourteen teens will participate: Samantha Aanenson, Paige Baker, Brennan Hart, Katelyn Hart, Andrew Jelken, Alyssa Kienholz, Kristen Kienholz, Aimee Moss, Jon Reisch, Connor Sandbulte, Bailey Stratton, Alyssa Teunissen, Mira Uithoven, Brooke Van Wettering and five youth sponsors, Andy Anderson, Erin Jacobsma, Randy and Lisa Sasker and Natilee Woodley.