I would like to begin by offering a blessing to all of you who helped support the Haiti Mission Team by coming out to our Tip Night at the Pizza Ranch last Monday night. May your generosity be multiplied greatly in God’s kingdom and your “Pizza Ranch Revenge” be a small sacrifice to pay. 🙂 Our team is truly thankful for every one of you. I was also blessed by the effort of the entire team; everyone seemed to fulfill their responsibility with such a Christ-like attitude.
I especially want to thank the dishwashers. In my estimation it was Dalton Jacobsma (who by the way, had to work both shifts), Harold VerSteeg, Kevin Barnhart, Kayla Cox, Ryan Wynia and Josh Haugom that ended up doing the most “dirty job.” It reminded me of Mike Rowe’s Dirty Job’s television program. The dishwashers had to scrape off everyone’s dirty plates, soak them, scrub them, wash them and stack them, all the while standing on a wet floor, half bent over the sinks, in about 95 degree heat. Then, after the dishwater became dirtier than the plates themselves, Josh would have to dig away the germ soaked food from the drain trap in order for the water to flow out. It had to be like ten times worse than people who had to clean the bathrooms.
As I thought about the dirty jobs that had to be done during our Tip Night Fundraiser, I thought about Jesus who was willing to do the dirtiest job ever. Having spent eternity in the glory of heaven, the Bible says Jesus abandoned his divinity “…made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on the cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8)
Jesus did the dirty job by becoming sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God—and the result—for those who have placed their faith in Christ, you and I will never be the same. And how do we show our gratitude? Well, by doing the same thing, taking on the very nature of a servant in order to be a blessing to those around us.
While no one will ever be required to do a dirtier job than Jesus, I am grateful for our dads who worked hard and long hours to help support their family. I give special love to our moms for the countless ways they sacrifice themselves for the good of their family; from sleepless nights, to changing dirty diapers, to cleaning up puke, getting the kids ready for daycare and school all before going off to work themselves. I also want to thank those who care for those who aren’t able to care for themselves.
I am also grateful for the myriad of ways American Reformed Church serves each other and our community. Special thanks to Brian, Dee, Nick, and Rachel Den Herder for keeping our ministry facility so clean. Thank you everyone for your willingness to do the dirty jobs. May each one of us truly count it a joy and privilege to offer ourselves as servants in God’s kingdom. It is such a small way to say thanks to the One who paid such a high price for you and me.
Overwhelmingly grateful for the “dirty job” of serving with you,