Beautiful Life Conferences for women announces “All Things New” on Saturday, April 5, 9 AM-2 PM at ARC. Doors will open at 8 AM with muffins and coffee; noon lunch served. Cost is $20 if purchased by Sunday, March 30. Register online at, or call Janice at 283-4364, or visit the Sunday AM booth.
Heather Ruesch is the leading communicator. Through both her singing and speaking, Heather tells how God loves every human life: the unborn child… the frazzled mother… the struggling teenager… the over-scheduled woman… and everyone else in need of God’s comfort and forgiveness.
Heather spent two years working as Executive Director in a crisis pregnancy center in central Wisconsin. As an abstinence speaker, her passion for life issues comes from her own experience with an unplanned pregnancy.
Jennifer Lee, Inwood, will also return from our 2013 Spring Conference for a special book signing for her book, Love Idol, Letting Go of Your Need for Approval and Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes releasing April 1st, 2014.
Vendors are True Vine, Sioux Center, with Christian books, gifts, and music; ReBorn Home Furnishings, restoring life to the old; and ViBella handmade jewelry, supporting women in poverty in the United States, Mexico, and Haiti.