Women, looking for a challenging 9-session Bible Study? Study the book of Romans with the Esther Circle beginning tomorrow night, January 13 at 7 PM in the Multipurpose Room and the first Monday of every month following. Enjoy the food and fellowship too!
Women, join a new Bible study on Lies Women Believe beginning this Wednesday, January 15, 6:45 PM in the Jr High Youth Room. Sign up at the Narthex Table ASAP; open to the first 10 to register. “Since Eve first bit that apple, women have swallowed lies that leave them feeling confused, rejected, overwhelmed, and fearful. Nancy Leigh DeMoss exposes the deceptions—about sin, marriage, priorities, relationships, emotions, and more—and compassionately sets you on the path to deliverance. Daily entries of the 10-week companion study feature overviews, lessons, and discussion questions.”