“That just doesn’t fit into my world right now.” That’s a phrase a friend of mine uses when she just can’t pack any more into her busy schedule. I sometimes feel the same way and I’m guessing you can identify with her as well. How is it that we fill our schedule so full that we just can’t pack one more thing into it? Or maybe a better question, why do we fill our schedule so full?
The Advent Season is an exciting time filled with parties and gatherings with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and anticipate his second coming. What amazing love that God would send his Son to bring light into our darkness—to bring hope and healing to our broken hearts. I just love the way John 1:14 is translated in The Message, “The Word [Jesus] became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”
Three things I am praying for you this Advent Season: First, that you’re schedule doesn’t become so crowded you don’t have room for Jesus “in your world.” Second, that as you welcome Him into your world, you experience the life-changing hope, joy, peace and love that only He can bring. And third, that you welcome Him into your neighborhood and family gatherings so that they can meet Him too.
Below are the lyrics to one of my favorite Christmas songs. May God richly bless each one of you as you welcome Jesus to your world.
Welcome To Our World by Chris Rice
Tears are falling, hearts are breaking. How we need to hear from God.
You’ve been promised, we’ve been waiting. Welcome Holy Child, welcome Holy Child.
Hope that you don’t mind our manger. How I wish we would have known.
But long-awaited Holy Stranger, make Yourself at home. Please make Yourself at home.
Bring Your peace into our violence. Bid our hungry souls be filled.
Word now breaking Heaven’s silence. Welcome to our world, welcome to our world.
Fragile finger sent to heal us. Tender brow prepared for thorn.
Tiny heart whose blood will save us. Unto us is born, unto us is born.
So wrap our injured flesh around You. Breathe our air and walk our sod.
Rob our sin and make us holy. Perfect Son of God, perfect Son of God.
Welcome to our world.
With Love and Glad Tidings of Great Joy,
Mike and Vicki