Facility Assessment Update

ARC is a congregation filled with many members who strive to serve the Lord in several different areas. This facility is here to assist with that purpose. 1 Corinthians 12:12 says, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” With that in mind, the Consistory took some time at the end of the year to discuss areas of our facility that could be improved for more effective ministry (i.e., the kitchen, a nursery on the upper level, offices, additional small group meeting space…).  After realizing this is a sizable task, Consistory appointed an assessment committee to examine all areas of the ARC facility to see if improvements can be made to assist visitors in feeling more welcomed, or to help current members/staff to accomplish tasks more efficiently.  This is where you come in!  The committee members want to hear from you!  Please find one of us and let us know your ideas and concerns!!  Committee members include: Shari Binford, Jim Jelken, Melissa Van De Berg, Kathy Jacobsma, Tomm Eitreim, Stacey Riphagen, Merlin Cleveringa, Doug Jacobsma, Randy Sasker.  We look forward to hearing from you regarding this topic.


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