Escape to Athens!

Imagine leaving a life of privilege and power to face angry mobs, painful imprisonments, and chain-breaking earthquakes—all to spread the life-changing truth of God’s love.  Learn the jaw-dropping story of the Apostle Paul straight from Paul himself!  In an ancient “anything goes” culture, Paul will inspire kids to share the truth of God’s immeasurable love today!
ARC’s free Vacation Bible School is June 3-7, 8:30 AM-12 PM for children age 3 by September 1, 2012 through Grade 5.  Register at the Narthex table, or call the church office at 283-8600, or email
Sign up sheets for helpers and snacks are at the Narthex table.  Shoeboxes, cool-whip containers, and silk ivy plants and ivy garland are also needed—place in the south coatroom.

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