ARC’s annual congregation meeting is this Monday, November 11 at 7 PM in the Worship Center. All confessing members over age 18 are encouraged to attend and are eligible to vote.
The meeting will include election of officers. Nominees for elder are Dale Bosch, Ken Hup, Jim Ouverson, Henry Sandbulte, and Darrel Van Aartsen. Nominees for deacon are Kurt Elbers, Tom Nath, Kent Vander Lugt, and Tom Ver Steeg. Two elders and two deacons will be selected for three year terms. If you can not be present to vote, absentee ballots are available in the church office.
A report on the First Fruits Offering and an update on the Facility Expansion project and finances will be announced.
Budget challenges for General, Benevolent, and Building Funds will be presented. The budget proposals may be picked up at the Narthex table today. Information will be given on finishing the new lower level bathrooms and the Fellowship Hall ceiling and lighting.
An update on the Care Shepherd Ministry will be presented. Nominations ballots are in your mailbox today. Sheets will list names of confessing members in alphabetical order. Members may circle 8 individuals or couples on their sheet and return to the ballot box at the Narthex table by November 18.
The Consistory will serve ice cream sundaes following the meeting for a freewill donation.