Ok, like the Land of Puzzling Tales, I still think it’s kind of strange that we give each other gifts on Jesus’ birthday. I guess if there’s a bright side to it, without all the Christmas shopping, we would be experiencing an economic depression.
Again, as I think about finishing up my Christmas shopping for Jesus, I want to give him the perfect gift, but what do you give someone who already has everything.
I think I’m feeling like my two sons did when they were younger, what do you get your parents when they seemingly have everything.
Well, as much as they liked receiving gifts, Mitchell and Jonathon were always excited about finding the perfect gifts for Vicki and me. Over the years they’ve given us some pretty cool stuff, but the gift I remember most was the year they gave us a coupon book. And in the coupon book were all kinds of coupons like, this coupon is good for one night of playing ball together. Another coupon was for spending time together at the park. Another coupon for a hug at any time. I think there was even one coupon that said, this coupon is good for one night at the races—you pay (wait, who was actually getting the gift with that coupon).
Anyway, the point of their gift was that they just wanted to spend time with us. More than likely because of our busy lives, they were just asking if they could have a little of our time.
As I was reminiscing over that precious gift from the boys, I realized the greatest gift I could give to Jesus for his birthday is time. And no, not because he’s so busy, but I believe giving my time would be the perfect gift because I often find myself too busy for him.
And maybe the gift of time would be the perfect gift because that’s actually what he asked for. In Matthew 11, Jesus offers this request for time from all of us, “28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
So what do you think? Wouldn’t time hanging out with Jesus be the best gift you and I could give him this Christmas? And did you notice, when you give the gift of time to Jesus, you and I will also receive a gift from him. Jesus said, I’ll show you how to take a real rest and the result will be, and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Of course Jesus is the great gift giver we celebrate during this Christmas season, and my prayer is that, having been so blessed, you and I will make every effort to continue to be a blessing to everyone you meet.
Have a blessed Christmas,
With love from Mike & Vicki